Hi 👋 , I am Shehab Shalan. Software Engineer @SAP

Passionate about software development and building innovative products, I thrive on continuous learning and collaboration. I'm open-minded, enjoy expanding my skillset, and I'm equally comfortable working independently or as part of a team, consistently delivering effective results.


Software Engineer at SAP

Dec 2022 - Present

  • Develop full-stack web apps using modern technologies.
  • Rapidly building MVPs and production-ready apps.
  • Leverage AI technologies like LLMs and vector databases with Langchain to create innovative solutions.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional product, design, and engineering teams to deliver projects of varying complexity.
  • Write clean, maintainable, and well-tested code.

Tech Stack:


Full Stack Developer at AllefYaa

Feb 2022 - Oct 2022

  • Created two dashboards to manage the operations of two mobile apps with React.js, React Query, and Material UI.
  • Created an entire delivery platform from scratch with Next.js, React Query, and Material UI.
  • Contributed to the backend by creating REST API.
  • Involved actively in the development life cycle from requirement gathering to deployment.

Tech Stack:


Frontend Developer at Trusted KYB Limited

Apr 2021 - Dec 2021

  • Created a responsive report for company AML scoring.
  • Created pages for rendering blogs and careers and other consumed data
  • Contributed to microservice backend by adding blog endpoints.
  • Actively contributed to scrum ceremonies with a focus on meeting sprint goals as a team.
  • Worked on a dockerized environment with React.js, TypeScript, and .NET.

Tech Stack:


Web Developer

May 2020 - October 2020

  • Developed al-isbaahcenter.com which helped the center leverage its presence online and publish articles.
  • Maintained and updated the website regularly with content and features.
  • Deployed and maintained the website to NameCheap.

Tech Stack:



AI Learning Platform

SyllabusAI, AI-powered learning platform, simplifies learning. It creates custom syllabi and user-friendly chapter content, featuring interactive elements like quizzes and real-world examples. Works offline too


Bug Tracker App

it is a Bug Tracker app built using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React.js and TypeScript. it features multi-level authorization, authentication where users can create, delete, assign tickets or add members to projects


File Sharing App

it is a file sharing app built using the MERN stack. Users are able to upload file/files, set expiration time and date, generating a sharing link which will expire according to the set time and date.



Languages & Frameworks





#Git#Docker#Prisma#GitHub Actions#AWS#Jira#WordPress#Figma